Our SLC address is 4190 Highland Dr. Ste. 111, Millcreek, UT

Grading Policy


 All assignments must be completed before you can take your final exam.  Your final grade is calculated as follows:



Graded Assignment/Evaluation Requirements

Score Value

1 – Coursebook


2 – Enrichment Activity 1 on Canvas


3 – Enrichment Activity 2 on Canvas


4 – Unit 1 Review on Canvas


5 – Unit 2 Review on Canvas


6 – Final Exam on Canvas


Total Value of All Assessments




Graded Assignment/Evaluation Requirements

Score Value

1 – Coursebook


2 – Unit 1 Review on Canvas


3 – Unit 2 Review on Canvas


4 – Final Exam on Canvas


Total Value of All Assessments



  • Original credit is for a student who has never enrolled in a class and has yet to receive a grade for that specific quarter of credit. Original credit receives a letter grade.
  • Recovery credit is for a student who is or was enrolled in a class but failed to pass the course (you did not receive a passing grade). Recovery credit receives a pass/fail grade. If you need a letter grade, please ask your counselor to send us a written request to info@nlcda.com.


Original Credit Grade Scale                           Recovery Credit Grade Scale

A          90%                                                                  Pass      90%

B          80%                                                                  Pass      80%

C          70%                                                                  Pass      70%

D          60%                                                                  Pass      60%

Fail      <60%                                                                  Fail      <60%


Coursebook Grading

 Coursebooks must be complete for the student to be able to take the final exam.  Incomplete coursebooks or coursebooks with inappropriate or nonsensical responses will be returned to the student.  Each coursebook will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • The coursebook is 100% complete.
  • The coursebook appears to be well cared for. No rips, tears, missing pages, excessive doodling, etc.
  • The student answered using complete sentences with proper grammar, punctuation and spelling.
  • The student’s work was legible, appropriate and the responses were legitimate.
  • The student used well-constructed sentences and thoughtful responses.


Final Exam Grading

Final exams are taken online.  We no longer offer paper tests in our Centers, unless special circumstances require a paper test.  The final exams are 30-40 questions multiple choice.  You must score at least 60% to pass the test.

 If you fail the test on the first try, you will be given the opportunity review the material before you re-take the exam.  You must wait at least 24-hours before you can re-take the exam. 

If you do not pass the exam a second time, you must contact the school to determine a course of action.  You may be required to repurchase the coursebook and retake the course.

Final Grading

Final grades are recorded, and the transcript sent to your school within 24 hours.  If you need a duplicate copy of your transcript, please email your request to info@nlcda.com.