Our SLC address is 4190 Highland Dr. Ste. 111, Millcreek, UT


“Our partnership with Northridge Learning Center has provided an excellent option for our students to earn or recapture credits.  Unlike several other platforms, the work is manageable for students and aligns with State core standards.   We appreciate the responsiveness and communication that our school enjoys with Northridge Learning.”


Mr. Scott Wihongi, Principal

Murray High School


"Northridge Learning Center/Dorius Academy has consistently proven to be an indispensable resource for the alternative student populations we serve, especially when penological interest and clinical best practice don't allow for more traditional options. Their products are systematically aligned to meet the most current state standards and their customer service is top notch."


Travis J. Cook

Alternative Education Administrator

Provo City School District


“We have partnered with Northridge Learning Center for 14 years and our academic partnership has been consistently beneficial for us. The owner, director, teachers, tutors, and staff go out of their way to assist us and answer our many questions. One key way our students benefit from the curriculum is how the material is presented. Oftentimes, students get overwhelmed when too much information is presented, and their final goal feels far away. The workbooks reduce that overwhelming feeling by taking the approach of one-quarter credit at a time. Students can feel success by making progress and, in turn, they are motivated to continue forward.” 


Cindy Thurgood, M.S.

Education Coordinator

Crossroads Academy


“It’s been my pleasure to work directly with Northridge Learning Center for two years now as the Roy High PM School Coordinator.  Our pm school students have truly benefitted from using the NRLC packets for either original credit and/or credit recovery.  All of our pm school students enter our program credit deficient and without the use of NLC/DA packets, we honestly wouldn’t be able to help them keep pace with day school students or catch up.  Almost all of our students at pm school prefer the hard copy packets over other online programs.  It is also great that parents can see the packets at home and that I can also have weekly check-in’s with each student and can actually see their progress.  The use of NLC/DA packets holds the students accountable to getting their work done.  We have had great success in our Roy High PM School with using NLC/DA and many students have caught back up and are now online to graduate and some have even been able to graduate early.  Without NLC/DA, we could not have been able to do this.  I can’t say enough about the good people who work at NLC/DA and they are great to work with.  I highly recommend them!  Thanks.” 


Mike Puzey

Roy High School

PM School Coordinator